Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville
Council Agenda

Council Chambers
111 Sandiford Drive

Anyone wishing to speak to Staff Reports listed on the
agenda may attend the meeting in person or
Deputation Request Forms must be submitted to the Clerk at [email protected] by 9:00 a.m. the
day of the meeting.
The meeting may be viewed live online at
Council Meetings will be video-recorded and made
available online at












    1. That staff bring forward an Official Plan Amendment By-law to amend the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville’s Official Plan by including a new site-specific provision within the Western Approach Mixed Use Area; and
    2. That staff bring forward a Zoning By-law to amend the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville’s Comprehensive Zoning By-law 2010-001-ZO by applying Site-Specific zones; and
    3. That Council confirm that notwithstanding that the proposed Official Plan amendment and Zoning By-law amendment as attached to this report is different than the Zoning By-law amendment as proposed at the May 13, 2024, Public Meeting, the revisions are minor in nature and that no further Statutory Public meeting is required.
    1. That Council increase the Chief Administrative Officer’s (CAO) delegated award approval authority for non-competitive procurements from $100,000 to align with the Canadian Free Trade Agreement (CFTA) thresholds as an interim measure to award contracts to non-U.S. contractors until January 2026; and
    2. That Council authorize staff to leverage the Canada European Union Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) thresholds to acquire Canadian goods and services through competitive bidding among Canadian contractors only; and
    3. That Council authorize the Chief Administrative Officer and the Commissioner of Finance to manage funding sources required to address any additional budget requirements, as a result of the impact of tariffs; and
    4. That staff continue to assess the impacts and risks of tariffs on the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville’s current contracts and procurements and develop further procurement strategies in collaboration with other municipalities that minimize exposure to tariffs, including assessing options for alternatives to U.S. goods and services where possible.
    1. That Council receives the report entitled “Pay-on-Demand Surety Bond and Letter of Credit Policies.”
    2. That Council approves the Pay-on-Demand Surety Bond Policy as set out in Attachment 1.
    3. That Council approves the Letter of Credit Policy as set out in Attachment 2.


  • Moved: Mayor Lovatt
    Seconded: Councilor Bartley 

    WHEREAS the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville has a rich history, including the tradition of having a Town Crier; and

    WHEREAS Marcel Bossi was Town Crier for over 25 years, but sadly passed away in 2016; and

    WHEREAS the Town has not had a Town Crier since Marcel Bossi’s passing; and

    WHEREAS the reintroduction of a Town Crier could enhance community engagement, promote local events, and preserve the Town's historical traditions;

    NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council direct staff to investigate the feasibility of reintroducing a Town Crier, including potential costs, local benefits, and that a selection process be formed for members of the community who may wish to be considered as Whitchurch-Stouffville's next Town Crier.

  • Moved: Mayor Lovatt
    Seconded: Councilor Sherban

    WHEREAS the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville is committed to sustainability and reducing its environmental impact; and

    WHEREAS the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville has published the Energy Conservation and Demand Management Plan 2024-2029 which identifies opportunities for actions and potential savings where energy efficiency can be improved; and

    WHEREAS developing a strategy for offsetting the Town's energy usage will contribute to the Town's sustainability goals and reduce its carbon footprint;

    NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT Council directs staff to conduct an energy audit of Town facilities and report back to council opportunities to offset the Town's energy usage, including potential costs, benefits, and implementation timelines and report back to council before the end of the year.










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